Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thursday WOD

Warm up
4- Parking lot Sprints (sprint to one side, jog back, 10 second rest)
4- 200m Row Sprints (35 Stroke per minute, 30 second rest)
4- 20 second Resistance band runs (time starts at end of forward progress)
20 Deep squats 2 sec down, 3 down, 2 sec to return to upright

Front Squat - 3/3/3/5/5 (coaches, strict form)
80%, 90%, 100%, 90%, 80%

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wednesday July 6th WOD

July 6th
Great job today everyone! That was a challenging WOD, tomorrow should be much shorter so lets post some new PR's on the board. If this is your first FRAN, mark your time, if you have done it before write your previous time so we will all know when you crush it!!
Warm up
5 minute Jump rope
20 Dips on bars
20 GHD sit ups
20 GHD Back Ext
95lb Thruster
Pull ups
For time